Smart Client Training

for Operators and Investigators

View live and recorded video

Target audience: End-user operators
This video shows you how to view live and recorded video in XProtect Smart Client®.

Use the camera toolbar

Target audience: End-user operators
This video shows how to use the camera toolbar in XProtect Smart Client®.

Use Independent Playback

Target audience: End-user operators
This video shows you how to use independent playback to review incidents in XProtect Smart Client® while maintaining situational awareness.

Change a view item

Target audience: End-user operators
This video shows how to change a view item in XProtect Smart Client®.

Open multiple views

Target audience: End-user operators
This video shows how to view videos in multiple views simultaneously in XProtect Smart Client®.

Open and close additional views tabs

This video shows how to open and close additional views tabs in XProtect Smart Client®.

Use digital zoom

Target audience: End-user operators
This video shows how to use digital zoom in XProtect Smart Client®.

Create bookmarks

Target audience: End-user operators
This video shows how to createbookmarks in XProtect Smart Client®.

Lift and reapply Privacy Masks

Target audience: End-user operators
This video shows how to lift and reapply a privacy mask in XProtect Smart Client®.

Use a Hotspot view

Target audience: End-user operators
This video shows how to use the hotspot view in XProtect Smart Client®.

Use a Carousel view

Target audience: End-user operators
This video shows how to use the carousel view in XProtect Smart Client®.

Investigating with Playback

Target audience: End-user investigators
This course covers using playback in the Smart Client®.

Searching in the Smart Client

Target audience: End-user investigators
This course covers searching recorded video and using Smart Search.

Searching for an Alarm

Target audience: End-user investigators
This course covers searching for an alarm in the Smart Client.

Search for Cameras and Views

Target audience: End-user investigators
This course covers searching for cameras and views in the Smart Client.

Add and Edit a Bookmark

Target audience: End-user investigators
This course covers adding and editing of bookmarks.

Export video evidence

Target audience: End-user investigators
This course covers exporting video and images.

Using Bosch Forensic Search: Overview

Target audience: End-user investigators
This course is an overview of using Bosch Forensic Search.

Using Bosch Forensic Search: Tampering

Target audience: End-user investigators
This course covers using Bosch Forensic Search to detect device tampering.

Using Bosch Forensic Search: Following

Target audience: End-user investigators
This course covers using Bosch Forensic Search to find objects moving along a path.

Using Bosch Forensic Search: Line Crossing

Target audience: End-user investigators
Target audience: End-user investigators
This course covers using Bosch Forensic Search to create a Crossing line.

Open an Alarm

Target audience: End-user operators
This course covers how to open an alarm in the Smart Client.

Responding to an Alarm

Target audience: End-user operators
This course covers the steps in responding to an alarm in the Smart Client.

Using Milestone XProtect® Smart Map

Target audience: End-user operators
This course covers how to use the XProtect Smart Map feature.

Using Milestone XProtect® Smart Map: Overlays

Target audience: End-user operators
This course covers how to hide and show overlays.